Teaching Pastor
Brief info
Ken Wakefield served as a missionary in Indonesia from 1990-1992, training young pastors on Sumatra and Java to teach and preach the Word. In 1992 he and his family returned to the states and planted a church in Molalla, Oregon. Ken’s heartbeat was to train up disciples of Christ, to equip each person to do the work of ministry and fulfill the calling on his heart, found in Colossians 1:28-29, to proclaim Christ with all wisdom so that every person might be complete in Christ. Ken also viewed himself as a local missionary and invested time in the community, serving on the city council, teaching leadership courses in the community, initiating work projects for those in need, and ministering to the first responders as a chaplain for the fire department for 23 years.
Ken, along with his wife Linda, developed marriage workshop curriculum and led a variety of marriage retreats designed to challenge, encourage, and support the growth of couples into more fulfilling and Christ-like marriages.
Ken participated in the Northwest Awana camp ministry for 20 years. He taught Bible classes and served as the Staff pastoral support. Modeling how to engage God’s Word, showing how God’s truth comes alive practically, was his passion as he invested in youth and staff and saw them develop vibrant, personal relationships with God that transformed their daily lives.
Ken and Linda raised four children and found the greatest joy was including them in all aspects of ministry, sharing the good times and the hard times, praying their way forward through the lean years, celebrating the times of abundance, providing a safe place to process and grow together.