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“Are We Ready”

As Christ followers we know this journey we are on will eventually end. We will either be called home or Jesus will return for all who have trusted in Him. Either way we will be with our Lord.

Our problem is the day-to-day journey of life. Each day the sun comes up, we go through our routine of life and the sun sets…another day. As each day, month and year go by our focus is drawn to what the next day, month or year might bring. We focus on the temporal rather than the eternal.

Nothing wrong with making plans for your life. But we must also realize that what we do in our life journey will ring through eternity. Accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ will determine your eternal destination. Living for Christ will affect your eternal rewards as well as impact those you meet in this life. As we keep an eternal mindset, Peter says we should live in “holy conduct and godliness” so that we will be

found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,

2 Peter 3:11, 14

Jesus said,

Yes, I am coming quickly.

Revelation 22:20

May we be ready when He comes.

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